Simplifying the task of cleaning when moving: a comprehensive guide

Published: 08.04.2023
Author: Shana Booth
Simplifying the task of cleaning when moving: a comprehensive guide
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Moving to a new home is an exciting journey, but the process of packing your belongings and keeping your old home clean can often be overwhelming. 

Cleaning up when moving doesn't have to be a difficult task; With the right approach and some strategic planning, you can simplify the process and make it more manageable. 

In this guide, we'll walk you through a step-by-step process to help you streamline your cleaning tasks and ease the transition to your new home.

1. Create a cleanup checklist:

Start by making a comprehensive checklist of all the cleaning tasks that need to be completed before you leave. Divide tasks into categories such as kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, living spaces, and open spaces. Having a clear list will help you stay organized and make sure no area is overlooked.

2. Clean up before cleaning:

Before you start cleaning, it is important to remove the trash. Review your belongings and decide what you want to keep, donate, or throw away. The less you have to clean and pack, the easier the process will be. Donate or recycle items you no longer need and responsibly dispose of broken or unusable items.

3. Assemble cleaning products:

Having the right cleaning products on hand will save you time and hassle. Make sure you have a variety of cleaning products, microfiber cloths, brushes, sponges, garbage bags, and any other tools you may need. It's also a good idea to store these supplies in a basket or bucket for quick access.

4. Workroom by room:

Practice one room at a time so you don't feel overwhelmed. Start with the least used rooms and work your way up to the more frequently used rooms. This approach allows you to see progress and stay motivated.

5. Follow a top-down approach:

When cleaning each room, take a top-down approach. Start by dusting fixtures, ceiling corners, and shelves before moving on to surfaces such as countertops and furniture. This way, any dust or dirt that falls will be cleaned up when you go down.

6. Kitchen:

In the kitchen, focus on appliances, cabinets, and surfaces. Wash the refrigerator and defrost the freezer if necessary. Wipe the insides of cabinets and drawers. Don't forget to clean the oven, microwave and stovetop.

7. Bathroom:

Clean the plumbing, including the sink, toilet, and shower or bathtub. Clean mirrors and glass surfaces. Empty and clean bathroom cabinets and drawers.

8. Living quarters:

Wipe off dust and wipe down all surfaces in residential areas, including shelves, entertainment centers, and electronics. Vacuum or sweep and mop the floors. If you have carpets, consider hiring a professional dry cleaner for deep cleaning.

9. Bedrooms:

Clean and vacuum bedroom furniture, including dressers, bedside tables, and cabinets. Wash or dry clean curtains and bed linen. Vacuum the floors and wipe down all mirrors.

10. Open areas:

If applicable, clean open spaces such as patios, balconies, and garages. Sweep away debris, wipe down surfaces, and consider a high-pressure wash if necessary.

11. Finishing touches:

When you're done cleaning each room, do one last round to make sure nothing is missing. Replace burned-out bulbs, troubleshoot minor issues, and tint if necessary.

12. Professional Assistance:

If cleaning your old home seems like an insurmountable task, consider hiring professional cleaners. They can take care of the deep cleaning for you, saving you time and energy.

13. Recruitment Assistance:

Invite friends or relatives to help you with the cleaning process. A lot of hands make the job easier, and the company can make the task more enjoyable.

14. Pack the cleaning products last:

Pack your cleaning products in a clearly labeled box and keep it available until the last moment. This way, you can touch up any areas in your old home before the final move.

15. Plan of your new home:

Before you move into a new home, consider doing a thorough cleaning of your home. This will help you start over in a clean environment and simplify the process of unpacking and arranging.

By breaking down cleaning tasks, staying organized, and taking a systematic approach, you can simplify the cleaning process when moving. Remember that this is a transition to a new chapter, so take it one step at a time and make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible.


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Cobie Winter

Honest and frank post.Thanks for that!

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Malcolm Sinclair

You always leave room for dialogue in the comments, it's nice